
My Apartment in NYC!

Photographs by André Herrero

Eye Painting by my mother, Pilar Almon

Eye Painting by Pilar Almon in sunburst frame

My faux-painted marble fireplace surround; Bébé Urns at top right and left

My Seba Snake fabric made into curtains; My Cocteau Chair in center

Tole cherry tree by Carmen Almon


Agnes Gund's apartment in NYC, done in the "School of Ganz" (according to me)

Gerhard Richter's Horst With Dog, 1965

 Jasper John's Map, 1963

Cai Guo-Qiang’s Wolf and Lion, 2005

Louise Bourgeois’s Pillar, 1949–50; Mark Rothko’s Two Greens With Red Stripe, 1964
Christo’s Nine Packed Bottles, 1965; Sol LeWitt’s 21 A, 1989

Roy Lichtenstein's Masterpieces, 1962

Brice Marden’s Epitaph Painting 2, 1996–97

Agnes Gund with Tina and Giotto


Shell-Adorned Toleware Sconces by Maison Jansen, c. 1950-1965


Unidentified Jansen interior, c. 1938, with shell sconce at left